This has been a lifelong struggle for me. I was silenced a lot as a child and now in my thirties I am walking through that trauma with a counselor. It’s amazing how often we process something and it comes down to my frustration that I don’t know what I am feeling or how to say it.

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This. As a mother I am trying my best to make sure my child knows he can speak his emotions so that it doesn’t get to the point where he doesn’t know how to articulate what he’s feeling. I never realized how much that part of my childhood played a part in my life until now, in my adulthood.

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"Once I was able to name my experience, everything changed for me — and the power now rested in my hands, rather than in my condition." This hit so hard for me. Currently attempting to write a piece w this as the root. Language is absolutely a bridge for me and often a foundation I can stand on and operate from. Grateful for this!

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Language as a foundation that you can "stand on and operate from" — I love that! Also, please drop your piece here once you're done with it. I'd love to read it!

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I started it with the quite from your piece! https://brittanyfrizzelle.substack.com/p/transitions-as-triggers

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